PET 0208 - ENHANCED HYDROCARBON RECOVERYMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course provides an understanding of the enhanced hydrocarbon recovery methods used to produce fluids from old, low pressure, nearly depleted oil and gas wells. In class the latest procedures, practices, and equipment used in hydraulic fracturing and artificial lift operations will be discussed. Both surface and downhole mechanical components, and operational issues associated with enhanced recovery methods will be analyzed using traditional calculations and computer simulations. Perforation technology, rock fracturing mechanisms and fracture fluids are the backbone components of enhanced recovery so they will be treated in detail. Rod pumping, gas lift, plunger lift and other related methods of artificial lift will be covered using both theory and practical aspects. Prerequisite PET 0206. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: Prerequisite: PET 0206
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