HPEDU 1335 - EDUCATIONAL MOVEMENT CONCEPTSMinimum Credits: 2 Maximum Credits: 2 This course helps students achieve individual competency in the fundamental areas of educational gymnastics, educational games, and educational/creative dance through the constructivist use of cooperative learning, problem solving, and guided discovery. Students in this course will apply educational movement concepts to developmentally appropriate interdisciplinary educational games using peer collaboration in problem solving, application of class information in class lab projects, and post-lesson reflections. Students will also apply movement concepts to academic learning using brain-based learning research, action-based learning and inclusion movement experiences for the Pre-K & elementary-level child. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: Prerequisites: Upper-Level Courses require completion of ENG 0101, ENG 0102, FS 0102, and the MATH competency
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