PET 0209 - INTRODUCTION TO SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITIONMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course provides a basic understanding of the computer applications generally used to manage the operation of modern well sites and processing facilities. The course is designed to provide an introduction for SCADA-based data collection and automation systems, control of gathering lines, and supervision of processing facilities such as gas and crude oil refineries. Students will utilize software and hardware similar to the one used in by industry in an effort to deliver state-of-the-art background in these systems. The course will provide the knowledge to identify the various system components, redundant backup systems and recognize the benefits and limitations of a SCADA system. Students will be asked to sketch a SCADA system for an industry scenario. Prerequisites PET 0201 and 0203. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: Prerequisite: PET 0203 & PET 0201
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