ES 1301 - ADVANCED FIELD METHODS AND TECHNIQUESMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 In this advanced field research course students will continue to use biological/ecological/and chemical research methods to address and understand current environmental issues. Students will carefully select a scientific research study that is of value or interest. This will allow for a more active role in the experimental design process. After carefully planning and gathering research and resources, they will either replicate that study, try it again to improve it, or use it as a basis for a new idea. Learning research methods is an important skill needed in addition to conducting field work and making good decisions in the laboratory. A more in-depth use of statistics, scientific plots, writing a scientific lab report, and presenting a research project will also be included in this course. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: Completion of ENG 0101, ENG 0102, FS 0102 and MATH 0110 or (MATH 0132 or MATH 0140)
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