PS 1394 - NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIPMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course offers students an overview of the practical and theoretical foundations of non-profit management and leadership globally. We will examine how nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations collaborate with states, intergovernmental organizations, and corporations. Topics that will be explored in the course include law, regulation, and governance; ethics, accountability, and legitimacy; organizational finance, grant writing, and fundraising; stakeholder communication and marketing; human resource management, compensation, and practices regarding workplace diversity; and effectiveness, program assessment, and evaluation. Case studies will explore the work of international nongovernmental organizations on policy issues such as food insecurity, poverty, international development, international humanitarian relief, global public health, human rights, refugee relief, and LGBTQ rights. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: Prerequisites: Upper-Level Courses require completion of ENG 0101, ENG 0102, FS 0104 (or FS 0102), and the MATH competency
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