2017-2018 Bradford Campus Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
African-American writers is designed for students seeking to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the American experience through the writings of key black writers and activists. The works of these authors stand at the confluence of creativity, ideology and activism inasmuch as they generate controversy and challenge representations, race, gender, and sexuality in the US. Both fictional and non-fictional works will be selected from the writings of such as Alice Walker, Maya Angelo, Toni Morrison, Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X, W.E.B Dubois, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, Martin Luther King Jr, (among others) will be studied in order to develop a deeper appreciation of African American culture-within the context of a broader Americana. Audio-visual materials will be deployed to enhance the learning experience for students.
Academic Career: Undergraduate
Course Component: Lecture
Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
Course Requirements: Prerequisite: Completion of ENG 0101 is requiredGeneral Education: Literature

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