BIOL 0212 - HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1 Minimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 A study of the gross and microscopic anatomy, physiology, and homeostatic mechanisms of the human body, stressing the relationship of structure to function. This semester covers cell types and tissues and the cellular processes of osmosis, diffusion, and active and passive transport; the integumentary system; the skeletal system and joints and bone metabolism; the muscular system and mechanisms of muscular contraction; the nervous system, mechanism of nerve impulse conduction, and the special and somatic senses. Three hours of lecture per week. Academic Career: UGRD Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: Prerequisite: A&P I Lab required (BIOL 0222 )General Education: Life Science Click here for class schedule information.
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