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University of Pittsburgh Bradford    
2024-2025 Bradford Campus Catalog 
  Jan 25, 2025
2024-2025 Bradford Campus Catalog

Academic Procedures and Policies

Patent Policy

A University student, during his/her period of enrollment, may be responsible for new discoveries and inventions that could have commercial value and contribute to scientific, technological, social, and cultural progress. Those accomplishments should be patented in the best interest of the student, the University, the public, and the government. The University’s policy on patent rights and technology transfer determines the rights and obligations of the student and the University in any technology the student may invent while enrolled in the University. Details of this University policy are available from the Office of Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property, or online at

Master’s Degrees

Through special arrangements with other schools of the University of Pittsburgh, Pitt-Bradford offers classroom space and facilities for graduate students enrolled in the graduate programs listed below. Pitt-Bradford does not administer the programs, nor grant the degrees. Students interested in these programs must apply directly to the school that administers them.

Master of Social Work (MSW)

The University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work offers the Master of Social Work program at the Pitt-Bradford campus. This program is geared toward working professionals, functioning with a part-time schedule at 6 credits a semester, for 10 consecutive semesters. All classes are in-person, on the Pitt-Bradford campus.

This program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, and meets state social work licensure requirements. For more information, please contact Stephanie Eckstrom, MSW Regional Program Director in Bradford at or  814-362-7527 or visit the Web at

Baccalaureate (Bachelor’s) Degrees

BS in Accounting
BS in Applied Mathematics
BS in Athletic Training
BS in Biology
BS in Biology Education 7-12
BS in Business Management
BS in Chemistry
BS in Chemistry Education 7-12
BS in Business, Computer and Information Technology (PreK-12)
BS in Computer Information Systems and Technology
BS in Early Level Education Pre K-4
BS in Energy Science and Technology
BS in Energy Engineering Technology
BS in English Education 7-12
BS in Environmental Education 7-12
BS in Environmental Science
BS in Exercise Science
BS in Forensic Science
BS in Health and Physical Education (PreK-12)
BS in Hospitality Management
BS in Mathematics Education 7-12
BS in Mechanical Engineering Technology
BSN in Nursing
BS in Physical Sciences
BS in Psychology
BS in Radiological Science
BS in Social Studies Education 7-12
BS in Sport and Recreation Management
BA in Broadcast Communications
BA in Communications
BA in Criminal Justice
BA in Economics
BA in English
BA in Environmental Studies   
BA in History/Political Science
BA in Interdisciplinary Arts
BA in International Affairs
BA in Sociology
BA in Writing

General Requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree

The University’s general requirements for the bachelor’s degree include satisfactory completion of the following:

  1. Minimum of 120 semester credits with at least 30 credits in upper-level courses; a maximum of 12 credits of directed research/study/undergraduate faculty assistant may be counted toward the 120-credit requirement
  2. The General Education Program
  3. The major, which includes satisfying the requirements of the department(s) responsible for the major
  4. A minor, if one is required by the department responsible for the major, with a minimum GPA of 2.00
  5. A cumulative GPA of 2.00 in all University courses, and a cumulative GPA of 2.00 in the major(s)
  6. The residence requirement (the final 30 semester credits and at least half of the credits in the major must be completed through Pitt)
  7. No more than 12 credits with S grades may count toward the 120
  8. All courses required for a major, minor, and General Education Program must be taken for letter grades with the exception of those courses designated as graded S or N only.
  9. Settlement of all financial obligations to the University



Administration of Justice
Africana Studies
Application Software Development
Athletic Coaching
Cinema Studies
Comparative Literature
Counseling Psychology
Criminal Forensic Studies
Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics
Digital Graphic Design
Education, Non teaching
Environmental Science
Exercise Science
Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
Hospitality Management
Human Resource Management
International Business
International Affairs
Legal Studies
Management Information Systems
Mathematics Modeling
Political Science
Recreation Administration
Speech Communication
Sport Management
Systems and Network Administration

Professional Preparation

Course work preparing students for professional programs is available for the following fields:

Pre-Art Therapy
Pre-Athletic Training
Pre-Communication Science and Disorders
Pre-Emergency Medicine
Pre-Health Information Management
Pre-Music Therapy
Pre-Occupational Therapy
Pre-Physician’s Assistant
Pre-Physical Therapy
Pre-Athletic Training
Pre-Art Therapy
Pre-Music Therapy
Pre-Communication Science and Disorders
Pre-Physician’s Assistant
Pre-Veterinary Medicine

Credential programs (also offered as a double major) are offered in:

Elementary Education
Secondary Education

Double Majors

Students may simultaneously complete requirements for two academic majors in accordance with the following regulations:

  1. Both majors must be completed under the same set of degree requirements.
  2. Students must complete all general education, core, and related area requirements for each major. A course used to satisfy a core requirement in one major might not be used to satisfy a core requirement in the other major.
  3. General education requirements may be the same for both majors, with the exception of those specified by the major.
  4. Courses required for either major may not be used for a minor.
  5. If one of the majors leads to the BA degree and another to the BS degree, the student must decide between the two degree options at the time of graduation, since only one diploma is awarded.

Dual Degrees

Students may elect to complete the requirements for two different bachelor’s degrees (e.g., a BS and a BA). If a student wishes to earn two different bachelor’s degrees, he or she must complete a minimum of 30 credits beyond the primary degree (a minimum of 150 credits), as well as satisfy all the
requirements for the two majors. Students must maintain a 2.00 GPA in all courses.

Associate Degrees

AS in Engineering Science
AS in Information Systems
AA in Liberal Studies
AS in Nursing
AS in Petroleum Technology *Currently not accepting new students.

General Requirements for the Associate’s Degree

The University’s general requirements for the associate’s degree include satisfactory completion of the following:

  1. Minimum of 60 semester credits
  2. The general education requirements designated in the specific program requirements
  3. The major, which includes satisfying the requirements of the department(s) responsible for the major
  4. A cumulative GPA of 2.00 in all University courses, and a cumulative GPA of 2.00 in the major
  5. The residence requirement (the final 15 semester credits and at least half of the credits in the major must be completed at Pitt-Bradford; refer to the specific degree requirements in nursing for special restrictions)
  6. All courses required for the major, minor, and General Education Program must be taken for letter grades with the exception of those courses designated as graded S or N only.
  7. Settlement of all financial obligations to the University

General Education Program

All students matriculating at Pitt-Bradford must satisfy the General Education Program requirements before they graduate. It is important that in addition to the depth and breadth of knowledge acquired in a student’s major discipline of study, every student must have an appreciation and understanding of the many other fields of study that affect our understanding of the human experience. The college’s General Education Program is designed to provide that appreciation and understanding, as well as the foundation skills essential for academic success and lifelong learning.

The following is an outline of Pitt-Bradford’s General Education Program. Courses fulfilling requirements for the General Education Program will have, at the end of their course description, a GE designation (e.g., GE: Arts).


(A minimum grade of C- is required in courses taken to satisfy competency requirements.)

Written Literacy    
ENG 0101   English Composition I 3 credits
ENG 0102   English Composition II 3 credits
Mathematics   3 credits
MATH 0098   College Algebra II or designated higher-level math course (GE: Mathematics).  
First Year Seminar    

FS 0102  (prior to fall 2022)

FS 0104 (beginning fall 2022)

First Year Seminar

First Year Transition Seminar

3 credits

1 credit

Students enrolling in associate-degree, pre-engineering, or pre-pharmacy programs are exempt from this requirement. Students in the Mechanical Engineering Technology and Energy Engineering Technology B.S programs follow different General Education requirements. Please refer to those majors.

The Human Experience

Note: The human experience curriculum must include at least one course designated as Non-Western. Students who matriculate and enroll beginning with the Fall of 2013 are required to complete two courses designated as “Global” part of the human experience curriculum. This replaces the previous Non-Western requirements.

Arts and Letters 9 credits
Literature (GE: Literature)
Creative, Fine, and Performing Arts (GE: Arts)
Second Languages (GE: Language)
Must include at least one course in literature, and at least one course in the creative, fine, and performing arts.
Behavioral, Economic, and Political Sciences 9 credits
Behavioral Sciences (GE: Behavioral Sciences)
Economics (GE: Economics)
Political Science (GE: Political Science)
Courses must be selected from at least two different categories (the categories are behavioral science, economics, and political science).
History, Culture, and Philosophical Inquiry 9 credits
History (GE: History)
Cultures (GE: Cultures)
Philosophical Inquiry (GE: Philosophy)
At least one history course is required and at least one course from either of the other two categories (Culture or Philosophical Inquiry)
Physical, Life, and Computational Sciences 10 credits
Physical Sciences (GE: Physical Sciences)
Life Sciences (GE: Life Sciences)
Computational Sciences (GE: Computational Sciences)
Must include one course each in physical sciences and life sciences, one of which must have a laboratory.
Physical Education 1 credit
One course in Physical Education (GE: Physical Education).

Course Placements

English Composition

There are two courses in English composition: All students in Pitt-Bradford baccalaureate programs must pass ENG 0101  with a grade of C- or better before attempting ENG 0102  English Composition II. All baccalaureate degree students must pass ENG 0102  with a grade of C- or better in order to qualify for graduation.


Entering students are placed in mathematics courses based on their high school performance and math SAT/ACT scores or transfer credit evaluation. Students who place into College Algebra I (MATH 0097 ) must pass it with a grade of C- or better before they register for a higher level math course. For students who place beyond beginning algebra, the specific math course placement is dependent on the student’s academic major. Students who wish to appeal their math placement can enroll in the next higher math course or use the three-week policy to move to a lower math course if necessary. Students seeking to take a higher course for which they do not have the required prerequisite would need written permission from the Mathematics instructor in order to enroll.

Mathematics Three-Week Policy: At the end of the first three weeks of the term, students may move to a lower or higher level math course (with agreement of the instructor) without penalty.

Enrollment and Changes in Enrollment of Courses

Full-Time and Part-Time Enrollment Status

Students registered for 12 or more credits are considered full-time; those registered for fewer than 12 credits are considered part-time. Eligibility for a scholarship or loan may be contingent on full-time registration status.

Active and Inactive Enrollment Status

A student is active when admitted and enrolled in the term of admission. A student must register for at least one credit in a 12-month period in order to maintain active status. An inactive student who has not enrolled for three consecutive terms must request readmission to the University.

Directed Research

Directed research opportunities that provide students with research experiences in their majors are available in many Pitt-Bradford baccalaureate degree programs. Approval of a directed research application is contingent upon satisfaction of the following requirements:

  1. Directed Research topic must be related to the student’s major
  2. Students must meet good academic standing
  3. Approval of the faculty supervisor, the student’s academic advisor, the program director, the division chair, and the dean of academic affairs


Internships that provide students with practical experience in their majors are available in many Pitt-Bradford baccalaureate degree programs. Students must apply to their academic advisor for internship placement. Approval of an internship application is contingent upon satisfaction of the following requirements:

  1. Junior standing
  2. Student must meet good academic standing
  3. Approval of the faculty intern supervisor, the student’s academic advisor, the division chair, and the dean of academic affairs

A maximum of 6 credits of internship may be applied toward graduation requirements. No more than 6 credits of internship may be taken at any one time. A minimum of 45 on-site hours must be completed per credit hour earned. Student interns are directed in their work by the employing agency and evaluated jointly with the faculty intern advisor. Grading is on a pass-for-credit basis.


A student who wants to take more than 18 credits in a term or more than nine credits in a six-week summer session must obtain the permission of both the advisor and the Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs. Students may contact Enrollment Services for an Overload Request Form.

Cross Registration

Pitt-Bradford students may cross register for up to 18 credits per term at another regional campus of the University of Pittsburgh (Greensburg, Johnstown, or Titusville) or for up to 3 credits (excluding external studies) in Pittsburgh. Bradford remains the home institution for student records and student accounts. Courses taken through cross registration must be approved by the student’s advisor and the dean of academic affairs.

Repeating Courses for Credit

The student is responsible for filing a course repeat form when registering for a course that is being repeated. The following rules define the circumstances under which a course may be repeated:

  1. A course may be taken for credit only once. The repeated course does not increase the number of credits earned unless the original grade was an F, G, or I.
  2. No course passed with a grade of C or higher may be repeated.
  3. A Pitt-Bradford course can be repeated for credit only at Pitt-Bradford or (with prior permission) at another campus of the University of Pittsburgh. A Pitt-Bradford course may not be repeated for credit at another institution.
  4. A course completed with a grade of C- or lower may be repeated. NOTE: Prerequisite courses must be passed before attempting further courses in a sequence.
  5. When a course is repeated, the most recent grade and credits earned are used in the computation of the GPA. The original grade is not removed from the transcript but is marked as a repeat.
  6. Students may repeat a course no more than two times.

Student Self Service Enrollment

Student Self Service Enrollment allows students to enroll in classes and add/drop classes for a particular term and/or session. All undergraduate students are required to meet with an advisor prior to enrolling in classes. An Academic Advisement Required Hold has been placed on all undergraduate student records; and students must see an advisor in order for the hold to be removed. Some graduate students may also encounter an Academic Advisement Required Hold. They too must see an advisor to have it removed.

Each term students will be assigned an enrollment appointment, which indicates the date and time that the student becomes eligible to enroll for classes. You can find your appointment information at the “Student Center” at Students are assigned an enrollment appointment based on the total number of credits earned in their current career. A student’s enrollment appointment will begin on the date and time specified. Students may enroll and change their schedule until the end of the published add/drop period for a given term and or session.

Students should be aware that dropping a course or courses may affect athletic and/or financial aid eligibility.

Extended Drop Period

Under special circumstances, undergraduate students may be eligible to drop a course in the third week of the fall or spring semester, effective with the Spring 2018 semester. Students must meet all of the following criteria to drop a course during the extended drop period:

  • Undergraduate students at all campuses
  • Undergraduate courses
  • Fall and spring semesters
  • Students must remain in full-time status after dropping the course(s).
  • The student’s advisor must provide permission to drop.

Students must review the proposed drop with their academic advisor. If the student’s advisor finds that the student is eligible, the advisor will process the drop(s). If the student’s advisor cannot process the drop for any reason, then the advisor will request that the Registrar’s Office at the student’s campus process it.

Withdrawal (from one or more, but not all classes)

Failing to attend the classes for which a student is registered, or failing to notify the appropriate academic and administrative offices of nonattendance, is not considered an official withdrawal. A student who stops attending a course and does not complete the withdrawal procedure may be assigned an F grade.

After the published deadline for dropping a course, a student may withdraw from a course by processing a Withdrawal Request form (DocuSign Form obtained from Enrollment Services). The deadline for submitting a Withdrawal Request form is published in the Schedule of Classes. W grades are assigned for all courses for which registration is terminated by withdrawal.

Resignation: Termination of Enrollment for All Classes

Students who wish to terminate their enrollment for all courses must do so by officially resigning from the term. To do so, students must first meet with the Dean of Student Affairs to review the resignation process and complete an exit interview. A notification is then sent on the student’s behalf to the Enrollment Services Office and other campus offices to finalize the resignation process.

Failing to attend the classes for which a student is registered, or failing to notify the appropriate academic and administrative offices of nonattendance, is not considered an official resignation. Students who fail to follow proper procedures for termination of their registration are responsible for all tuition and fees assessed for the term or session. A student who stops attending a course and does not complete the withdrawal or resignation procedures may be assigned an F grade. The effective date of your resignation will normally be the date you notify the University. Your charges may be prorated depending on the date of resignation.

Student Resignation Fee Schedules of Adjusted Tuition Charges

Title IV Refund Policy

Adjustments to tuition charges resulting from official resignations are based on the effective date of resignation and in accordance with the federally mandated calculation.

The calculation is based on the period of enrollment completed. That percentage is computed by dividing the total number of calendar days in the term into the number of calendar days completed, as of the date of student notification. The percentage of Title IV assistance to which the student is entitled (has “earned”) is equal to this percentage of the term completed, up to 60 percent. If the resignation occurs after 60 percent of the term is completed, the percentage is equal to 100 percent.

The amount of Title IV aid which must be returned is based on the percentage of “unearned” aid. That percentage is computed by subtracting earned aid from 100 percent. The University is required to return the lesser of 1) the unearned aid percentage applied to institutional charges or 2) the unearned aid percentage applied to the total Title IV aid received.

The student is required to return the difference between the amount of unearned aid and the amount returned by the University. If the student (or parents in the case of PLUS loans) is required to return a portion or all of their loan proceeds, the calculated amount is to be repaid according to the loan’s terms. Students must return only half the amount of grant funds calculated.

Funds are returned to the following Title IV sources in order of priority:

  1.     Unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans   
  2.     Subbsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans
  3.     Federal Direct PLUS loans
  4.     Federal Pell Grants
  5.     Iraq & Afghanistan Service Grants
  6.     Federal SEOG
  7.     TEACH Grants
  8.     Other Title IV assistance for which a return of funds is required
  9.     Other federal, state, private, or institutional financial assistance
  10.     Student


Cancellation of Courses

The University reserves the right to cancel any course, including those in which enrollment is insufficient to justify the offering.

Course Numbering System

6000-6199 Developmental courses
0001-0199 Freshman-level courses
0200-0299 Sophomore-level courses
1300-1399 Junior-level courses
1400-1499 Senior-level courses

Students are required to satisfy the competency requirements in ENG 0101  and ENG 0102  English Composition I and II and mathematics prior to enrolling in more advanced courses.

Credit by Examination

Advanced Placement (AP)

The following information regarding Advanced Placement is unique to Pitt-Bradford. Students who plan to relocate to a different campus or school within the University of Pittsburgh should refer to that specific campus or school’s policy.

Students who have participated in the Advanced Placement (AP) program of the College Board may request college credit from Pitt-Bradford by having the Educational Testing Service forward their AP scores to the registrar’s office. Advanced placement credit is awarded for AP scores of 3, 4, or 5, as follows:

AP Examination Test Scores Pitt-Bradford Courses Credits
Art: History 3, 4, or 5 ART 0000 3

Art: Studio Drawing

Art: 2D Art & Design                                                                               

3, 4, or 5

3, 4, or 5

ART 0101 

ART 0103



Biology 3 BIOL 0101  4
Biology 4 or 5 BIOL 0101, BIOL 0102  8
Chemistry 3 CHEM 0101  4
Chemistry1 4 or 5 CHEM 0101, CHEM 0102  8
Computer Science A2 3, 4, or 5 CIST 0150 3
Computer Science B3 3, 4, or 5 CIST 0150 3
Economics-Macro 3,4 or 5 ECON 0103 3
Economics-Micro 3,4 or 5 ECON 0102 3
English: Language and Composition4 3, 4, or 5 ENG 0101 or ENG 0000 3
English: Literature and Composition4 3, 4, or 5 ENG 0101 or ENG 0000 3
Environmental Science 3,4, or 5 ES 0110 3

French: Language

3, 4, or 5 FR 0201, FR 0202  6
German: Language 3, 4, or 5 GER 0201, 0202 6
Government and Politics: American 3, 4, or 5 PS 0102  3
Government and Politics: European 3, 4, or 5 PS 0103  3
History: American 3, 4, or 5 HIST 0106, HIST 0107  6
History: European 3, 4, or 5 HIST 0103, HIST 0104  6

Human Geography


3,4, or 5

3,4 or 5

GEOG 0101

MATH 0132



Mathematics AB5 3, 4, or 5 MATH 0140  4
Mathematics BC6 3, 4, or 5 MATH 0140, MATH 0150  8
Music: Theory 3, 4, or 5 MUSIC 0101  3
Music: Listening and Literature 3, 4, or 5 MUSIC 0102  3
Physics B 3, 4, or 5 PHYS 0101, PHYS 0102  8
Physics 1 3,4 or 5 PHYS 0101 4
Physics 2 3,4 or 5 PHYS 0102 4
Physics C7 3, 4, or 5 PHYS 0201, PHYS 0202, PHYS 0203, PHYS 0204  8
Psychology 3, 4, or 5 PSY 0101  3
Spanish: Language 3, 4, or 5 SPAN 0201, SPAN 0202  6
Statistics 3, 4, or 5 MATH 0133 or PSY 0201  3
World History 3,4, or 5 HIST 0000 6

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

CLEP credits may be earned with scores that meet or exceed an established minimum score. Eligibility for CLEP credit is subject to the following conditions:

  1. Students are eligible for CLEP credit only if CLEP examinations are taken prior to the completion of 30 college credits, including transfer credits.
  2. Students who earned CLEP credit at other institutions must have their test scores reevaluated to determine eligibility for credit at Pitt-Bradford.

International Baccalaureate Examinations (IB)

Students who have participated in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program may request college credit from Pitt-Bradford by having scores sent to the Registrar’s Office. Students who relocate or transfer to another campus or who are preparing for graduate school should be aware of the policies at the destination institution. 

B Examination  Test Score Credits Given for Credits
Biology HL (B grade) 5 BIOL 0101 4
Biology HL (A grade) 6,7 BIOL 0101, 0102 8
Chemistry HL 5 CHEM 0100 4
Chemistry HL 6,7 CHEM 0101, 0102 8
Economics HL 6,7 ECON 0102, 0103 6
English A1 HL 5,6 ENG 0101 3
English A1 HL 7 ENG 0101, 0102 6
French HL 5,6,7 FR 0101, 0102 6
German HL 5,6,7 GER 0100, 0104 6
History American HL 5 HIST 0106 3
History American HL 6,7 HIST 0106, 0107 6
History Europe HL 5 HIST 0103 3
History Europe HL 6,7 HIST 0103, 0104 6
Math HL  5,6,7 MATH 0140 4
Music HL 5,6,7 MUSIC 0101 3
Physics HL  5 PHYS 0101 4
Physics HL  6,7 PHYS 0101, 0102 4
Psychology HL  5,6,7 PSY 0101 3
Spanish HL  5,6,7 SPAN 0101, 0102 6
Theatre Arts HL  5,6,7 THEA 0101 3
Visual Arts HL (art/design) 5,6,7 ART 0105 3
HL (higher level) tests a score of 5 or better      


Exam Type                           Exam                                     Score                     Course Equivalent                            Credits

A Levels                              Art and Design                            A|B                         ART 0103                                            3

A Levels                              Chemistry                                  A|B                         CHEM 0101                                          4

A Levels                              Economics                                  A|B                         ECON 0102, 0103                                 6

A Levels                              English                                       A|B                         ENG 0101, 0000 (GE Lit)                       6

A Levels                              History                                       A|B                         HIST 0000                                           6

A Levels                              Math: Calculus                            A|B                         MATH 0140                                          4

A Levels                              Physics                                      A|B                         PHYS 0101                                           4

A Levels                              Political Science                          A|B                         PS 0102                                               3


Students may choose whether or not to accept credit offered by the University for AP, IB or A-Level scores. Depending on the major, a student may want a stronger foundation in that field and may, therefore, decide to decline credit being offered. Entering students should discuss this with Advising.

Challenge Examinations

Credit for some courses can be earned by passing a comprehensive challenge examination. The chair of the division in which the course is offered must approve each challenge. Challenge exam requests are available in the Enrollment Services Office. There is a fee charged prior to the exam.

Prior Learning Credit

The University may review college-level knowledge and skills you have gained outside of the classroom in order to evaluate if you could be awarded college credit for your experience. You must submit a College Assessment of Prior Learning Application along with documentation. This form and supporting documents will be evaluated by your academic advisor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. You may contact Enrollment Services for the application.


Students are expected to attend classes as scheduled. Faculty members establish their own rules and penalties for absences.

Final Exam Policy

Students having more than two final examinations scheduled for the same day (excluding evening classes) may petition their instructors to assist in rescheduling one exam at a time mutually agreeable to the student and instructor. If it is not possible to reach an agreement with one of the instructors, students should contact the appropriate division chairs.

Academic Integrity

Members of a university community, both faculty and students, bear a serious responsibility to uphold personal and professional integrity and to maintain complete honesty in all academic work. Violations of the code of academic integrity are not tolerated. Students who cheat or plagiarize or who otherwise take improper advantage of the work of others face harsh penalties, including permanent dismissal. The academic integrity guidelines set forth student and faculty obligations and the means of enforcing regulations and addressing grievances. The guidelines are available at: Please download the “AC 39 Guidelines on Academic Integrity. Students who wish to appeal a final grade, where issues of academic integrity are not involved, must first meet with the instructor who awarded the grade. Students may then continue to appeal the final grade by seeking a meeting with the chair of the division in which the course in question resides. The final level of appeal may be made with the Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs, whose decision is final. Please make an appointment in the Office of Academic Affairs (232 Swarts Hall) if you have questions about the process.


The University of Pittsburgh seeks excellence in the discovery and dissemination of knowledge. Excellence in scholarship requires all members of the University community to adhere strictly to the highest standards of integrity with regard to research, instruction, and evaluation. Research misconduct carries potential for serious harm to the University community, to the integrity of science, and to society as a whole. The University’s Research Integrity Policy is available online at

Grading System

Students may register for courses under three grading options: letter grade, pass for credit, or audit. The letter grade option is assumed unless otherwise declared. See sections on each option for more details.

Letter Grades

All courses required to satisfy associate and baccalaureate degree requirements-including all courses required for a major, a minor, or general education-must be taken for letter grades, with the exception of those courses designated as graded S and NC only. Pitt-Bradford uses 13 earned letter grades. They are listed below with their equivalent quality point values.

  A+ = 4.00
  A = 4.00 superior achievement
  A- = 3.75
  B+ = 3.25
  B = 3.00 meritorious achievement
  B- = 2.75
  C+ = 2.25
  C = 2.00 adequate achievement
  C- = 1.75
  D+ = 1.25
  D = 1.00 minimal achievement
  D- = 0.75
  F = 0.00 failure

Pass for Credit (S/NC Grades)

General elective courses and certain designated courses may be taken on a pass-for-credit basis. A student enrolled in a course on a pass-for-credit basis receives either a grade of S or NC.

  S = equivalent of a C or better
  NC = no credit

Students must elect the S/NC option by the fourth week of a term or the second week of a six week summer session. For sessions that are shorter than six weeks, the decision has to be made in the first week. This decision may not be reversed, nor may a grade of one kind be replaced by a grade of the other kind for that course. Courses for which an S is received are counted toward graduation but are not computed in the GPA. No more than 12 credits with S grades may be counted toward graduation. All courses required for a major, minor, and General Education Program must be taken for letter grades with the exception of those courses designated as graded S or NC only.


Any student who has been formally admitted to Pitt-Bradford may audit any course offered by the University. Audited courses appear on the transcript with a grade of NC, but no credit is earned. Regular tuition rates apply to courses taken for audit. Students must elect the audit option at the time of registration. This decision may not be reversed.

Temporary Grades

Two temporary letter grades may be issued under appropriate extenuating circumstances. A “G” grade is given by an instructor when class work is unfinished because of extenuating circumstances. Students given an incomplete grade will be instructed to complete clearly defined work within a specified period of time. The incomplete grade must be completed and changed to a final grade no later than one year after the term in which the class was taken. You should not be given an incomplete if, in actuality, you need to repeat the course. After a year has passed, a “G” grade remaining on a student’s record will automatically be converted to an “NG” grade which may not be changed.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average is an indicator of the level of academic achievement. It is used to determine academic standing and to establish eligibility for honors. The GPA is computed by dividing total quality points earned by total number of credits attempted. (Attempted credits include all classes for which a regular letter grade was earned.) Total quality points are calculated by multiplying the number of credits that each course carries by the numerical value of the grade earned for that course. For example, an A in a 3-credit course is worth 12 quality points (4.0 points x 3 credits = 12 quality points). The official GPA is determined in the Office of the Registrar.

Grade Reports

At the end of each term or session, faculty assign grades for each student enrolled in their respective classes. Students may view their grades online by logging into using their University of Pittsburgh user name and password. Students will be able to view the total credits carried, the grade received in each course, the total quality points earned that term, the grade point average (GPA) for that term, and the cumulative grade point average. Grades are posted to the student’s record as the faculty assign them.

Hybrid Courses

All hybrid/blended courses must provide over 50% of the instruction in a face-to-face modality. For a three credit course this would amount to 22.5 hours of face-to-face contact. The percentage of face-to-face (in-classroom) hours and the percentage of online hours must be stipulated in the course syllabus so that the expectations are clear to students.

Academic Level by Credits Earned

  Level 10 0.0 - 23.0 credits Freshman
  Level 20 23.5 - 53.0 credits Sophomore
  Level 30 53.5 - 83.0 credits Junior
  Level 40 83.5 - 113.0 credits


Academic Honors

Dean’s List

Full-time students who earn at least 12 credits in a term from Pitt-Bradford (excluding courses with S grades), with no grade lower than a C and no temporary grades, and with a term GPA of at least 3.50 or higher, are placed on the Dean’s List at the end of each regular term. A Dean’s List is also published annually, at the end of the spring term, for part-time students who have accrued 12 credits in the previous summer, fall, and/or spring semesters and meet the same academic criteria as stated for full-time students.

Graduation Honors

Those students of a graduating class who have attained an outstanding scholastic record may be graduated with honors. To qualify for honors, a student must have earned a minimum of 60 credits at Pitt-Bradford and attained a cumulative GPA of 3.25 for cum laude, 3.50 for magna cum laude, or 3.75 for summa cum laude.

Academic Probation and Dismissal

Academic Standing

Good Academic Standing: A student is in good academic standing so long as both the GPA in the previous term and the cumulative GPA are 2.00 or higher. Note: Minimum GPA requirements for some programs may be higher than 2.00.

Academic Probation: If the GPA for a given term is below 2.00, or if the cumulative GPA is below 2.00, a student is placed on academic probation.

Satisfactory Academic Progress: A student placed on academic probation must maintain satisfactory progress toward a degree to avoid suspension. Satisfactory academic progress is defined as a 1.00 or higher for first-term freshmen and a 2.00 or higher for all other students.

Academic Suspension

Students who are on academic probation for two consecutive regular (fall and spring) terms are eligible for academic suspension from the University. First-term students who have completed only one term of full-time study and who have failed to attain a grade point average of at least 1.00 are eligible for suspension. Factors such as academic motivation and campus citizenship will be considered in making such decisions for suspension after only one term.

Students who are suspended for academic reasons are not eligible for reinstatement during the following fall, spring, or summer term. Students are either expected to take summer courses at either Pitt-Bradford (or another institution) to qualify for reinstatement. These requirements will be waived only for truly extraordinary circumstances.

Summer Course Work

Students who have been suspended may be allowed, with the permission of the dean of academic affairs, to enroll in course work at Pitt-Bradford during the summer sessions. A student who moves back to good academic standing through summer course work may request reinstatement to resume studies on restricted probation in the following fall term.


Reinstatement after suspension is not automatic. A suspended student seeking to resume studies in a subsequent term, after one or more terms of nonattendance, must request reinstatement in a letter to the dean of academic affairs. If the request is approved, the reinstatement letter will stipulate the conditions that must be met the following term, e.g., a limited load, repeats of courses, or change of major. Reinstatement does not cancel the suspension; rather, the reinstated student continues on restricted academic probation. Written approval from Academic Affairs is required for reinstatement.


A student who has been reinstated after suspension and subsequently fails to remain in good academic standing is subject to dismissal. A student who is dismissed for academic reasons may not request reinstatement.

Graduation Application

An application for graduation must be filed with the Enrollment Services Office prior to the anticipated graduation date. 

Anticipated Date of Graduation Deadline for Application
April preceding November 30th. After this deadline, a late fee is charged.
June preceding March 31st. After this deadline, a late fee is charged.
August preceding May 31st. After this deadline, a late fee is charged.
December preceding September 30th. After this deadline, a late fee is charged.


Official transcripts of the student’s record are available to order online via Parchment:   You may choose to have your transcript sent either electronically or by U.S. mail. There is a small fee charged for transcripts. Pitt-Bradford does offer over the counter service and will provide an official transcript in a sealed envelope to a student free of charge if they order in person in the Enrollment Services Office. Effective July 1, 2024, student transcripts will no longer be held if they have a financial obligation to the University.

Transfer Credits

All accepted students who have taken courses at other institutions must have official transcripts sent to the Pitt-Bradford Office of the Registrar. Transfer students will receive written verification of the transfer credits accepted by Pitt-Bradford. The number of accepted transfer credits will be posted on the Pitt-Bradford transcript. The registrar is responsible for the evaluation of transcripts to determine which credits are accepted in accordance with the following guidelines:

  1. Only courses taken for credit on a standard (A, B, C, D, F) grading scale are eligible for transfer credit.
  2. Courses completed with grades of C- or better at an accredited institution are eligible for transfer credit.
  3. Courses completed with grades of D or F are not eligible for transfer credit.
  4. Credits earned at another institution through CLEP, through Advanced Placement tests, or through credit by examination are not eligible for transfer credit. Note: CLEP or Advanced Placement scores may be reevaluated for Pitt-Bradford credit.
  5. Developmental or remedial courses are not eligible for transfer credit.
  6. Quarter system credits will be converted to the equivalent semester credits (quarter system credits x 2/3 = semester system credits).
  7. All Pitt-Bradford course restrictions also apply to transfer credits, including rules for repeating courses for credit and baccalaureate degree requirement distribution eligibility.
  8. The academic advisor, the program director, and the registrar will approve the application of transfer credits toward degree requirements.
  9. Not more than half of the credits in a student’s major or minor may be transferred from another institution.
  10. Certain programs may invoke a statute of limitations. For example, course work with a scientific or technical basis will not be accepted by the Department of Nursing if eight or more years have elapsed since the course was completed.
  11. No more than 75 credits may be transferred from two-year institutions.
  12. No more than 90 credits may be transferred from four-year institutions.
  13. Grades earned at other colleges are not included in the Pitt-Bradford GPA. Only the academic credit is transferred.

Anti-harassment Policy Statement

No University employee, University student, or individual on University property may intentionally harass or abuse a person (physically or verbally) with the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with such person’s work or academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or academic environment. Consistent with the University Nondiscrimination Policy Statement, this Anti-harassment Policy includes cases where the conduct is based on race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status. This policy will be applied with due respect for the University’s commitment to equality of opportunity, human dignity, diversity, and academic freedom.

Sexual Harassment Policy Statement

The University of Pittsburgh is committed to the maintenance of a community free from all forms of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment violates University policy as well as federal, state, and local laws. It is neither permitted nor condoned. The coverage of this policy extends to all faculty, researchers, staff, student, vendors, contractors, and visitors to the University.

It is also a violation of the University of Pittsburgh’s policy against sexual harassment for any employee or student at the University of Pittsburgh to attempt in any way to retaliate against a person who makes a claim of sexual harassment.

Any individual who, after a thorough investigation, is found to have violated the University’s policy against sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, reprimand, suspension, termination, or expulsion. The disciplinary action taken will depend upon the severity of the offense.

AIDS Policy Statement

The University of Pittsburgh does not discriminate against individuals who are diagnosed as HIV positive or as having AIDS.

The University recognizes that the health condition of individuals is personal and confidential. Reasonable precautions will be taken to protect information regarding the health condition of all members of the University community.

Based on medical evidence that indicates that there is no risk of transmitting HIV through casual contact in the classroom, or circumstances involving only casual contact with others, the University will impose no undue restrictions on faculty, staff, or students who are infected with HIV.

Policy on Faculty-Student Relationships

The University’s educational mission is promoted by professional relationships between faculty members and students. Relationships of an intimate nature compromise the integrity of a faculty-student relationship whenever the faculty member has a professional responsibility for the student.

The University prohibits intimate relationships between a faculty member and a student whose academic work, teaching, or research is being supervised or evaluated by the faculty member. If an intimate relationship should exist or develop between a faculty member and a student, the University requires the faculty member to remove himself or herself from all supervisory, evaluative, and/or formal advisory roles with respect to the student. Failure to do so may subject the faculty member to disciplinary action.

Transgressions of this policy may result in the forfeiture of the legal and monetary protections of the University’s indemnification policy. See Policy AO 20 (formally 07-06-06) Faculty and Staff Indemnification.

Issues related to discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, or faculty-student relationships should be reported to Pitt Concern Connection.


Smoking Policy

Smoking is prohibited in all University owned and leased facilities and in all University vehicles.

Drug-Free Workplace/Drug-Free Schools Policy

The University of Pittsburgh prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance on University property or as part of any University activity. Faculty, staff, and students of the University must also comply with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on the possession and consumption of alcohol.

Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to a warning, written reprimand, suspension (with or without pay), dismissal, expulsion, and/or mandatory participation and successful completion of a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved by an appropriate health or law enforcement agency.

Any University employee paid from federally funded grants or contracts, or any student participating in any federally funded or guaranteed Student Loan Program, must notify the University of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring at the University while engaged in University activities.


Computing Use Policy

Every member of the University community has two basic rights regarding computing: privacy and a fair share of resources. It is unethical for another person to violate these rights. Computing resources are intended for research and educational purposes only; they should be used in a manner consistent with the instructional and research objectives of the University. All users, in turn, are expected to exercise common sense and decency with regard to the campus computing resources. Please read Computing Ethics and Guidelines.

Students are subject to the rules and regulations as described in the University of Pittsburgh Student Code of Conduct. Students should realize that misuse of computing resources could result in the suspension of computing privileges and prosecution under state and federal laws, where applicable.

Student Code of Conduct

Being a member of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford campus community is a privilege. This privilege comes with the responsibility to act in accordance with all institutional rules and policies. The Student Code of Conduct (Code) provides information on behavioral expectations and outlines the process used to address violations of these expectations. The Code is subject to change at the discretion of the University. All Students are expected to familiarize themselves with and are required to abide by the provisions of the current Code. To ensure you have the most recent version, please visit Copies of the Code are also available by request at the Office of Student Affairs, 300 Campus Drive, 220 Frame-Westerberg Commons. Any member of the campus community may submit a report regarding possible violations of the Code via the Student Care and Conduct web site, by email to, or by phone at 814-362-5057. For questions or additional information contact the Director of Student Care & Conduct, located in 222 Frame-Westerberg Commons (within the Office of Student Affairs). 

University Conduct Process 

The University’s Conduct Process is initiated when a member of the University files a Conduct Referral against a Student/Registered Student Organization alleging that there has been a Violation of the Code. Any member of the University community who has witnessed, has been subject to or has knowledge of a potential Violation of the Code may contact the Office of Student Conduct to complete a Conduct Referral. Students and/or Registered Student Organizations may be charged with Code Violations. Additionally, individual members of Registered Student Organizations may be held accountable for Code Violations when they participate in any Violation committed by the Registered Student Organization. Students are expected to conduct themselves as responsible members of the University community. Students who violate the Code will be subject to disciplinary action by the University, when such conduct takes place on University Property or in the course of a University-sponsored or University-supervised activity. In addition, conduct off-campus may be subject to disciplinary action by the University.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

The University, in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), affirms the University’s commitment to safeguard the privacy of education records and to comply with the relevant regulations through policy AC 04: FERPA: Access to and Disclosure of Education Records.

Annual Notification of FERPA Rights

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students attending, or who have attended, certain rights with respect to their education records. Students are considered to begin the period of attendance at the University once they are registered for their initial term of enrollment. 

These rights include: 

(1) The right to inspect and review their education records within 45 calendar days of the receipt of a request.  

• Students may formally request to inspect and review their own Education Record, by submitting a request in writing to the Office of the University Registrar.  The Office of the University Registrar shall identify appropriate Records Custodians to whom the request should be addressed and/or provide guidance in this process when necessary.

• Once a request is received, the Record Custodian will coordinate the opportunity for the Student to inspect and review the requested Education Record within 45 calendar days of the request. The Record Custodian shall verify the identity of the requester through proper photographic identification prior to allowing inspection of the Record. 

(2) The right to exercise limited control through written consent over the disclosure of information contained in their education record. 

The University discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interest.  A School Official is an individual who engages in the instructional, supervisory, advisory, administrative, governance, public safety, research, and support functions of the University. They need not necessarily be a paid employee of the University. A School Official may include a contractor, consultant, volunteer, service provider, or other party under the direct control of the University to whom the University has contracted institutional services or functions for which the University would otherwise use an employee.  Legitimate Educational Interest is the need for a School Official to access specific student education records in the course of performing their duties for the University. 

The University may disclose education records without a student’s prior written consent to school officials of another postsecondary institution where the student seeks or intends to enroll or where the student is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer. 

(3) The right to request to amend their education records if they believe the record to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of their privacy rights. 

• Students may submit a request in writing to the appropriate Records Custodian to request an amendment to their Education Record. Such a request should clearly identify: the Student; the part of the Record believed to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of their FERPA rights; and the change being requested. The Office of the University Registrar shall identify appropriate Records Custodians to whom the request should be addressed and/or provide guidance in this process when necessary. 

• Records Custodians must respond to Students’ amendment requests within 30 days. If the Records Custodian agrees with the request, they may make the change and must notify the Student in writing of the amendment. If the Records Custodian disagrees with the request, the Records Custodian must notify the Student of the denial of the request and their right to request a hearing. 

• Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing and can be found in University Policy and Procedure AC04. 

(4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if they believe one of their primary rights under FERPA regulations has been violated or concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. 

Complaints regarding alleged FERPA violations can be filed with the U.S. Department of Education at:  

U.S. Department of Education 
Student Privacy Policy Office 
400 Maryland Ave., SW Washington, DC 20202-8520 

Questions concerning the University’s FERPA Policy AC 04 may be directed to the Office of the University Registrar at 412-624-7600. 

Directory Information 

The University has established categories of information known as “Directory Information” within University Policy AC 04. It may disclose directory information from education records without written consent from a student unless that student has notified the University in writing of their request to restrict the disclosure of their directory information.  When the Office of the University Registrar receives a student’s request to restrict the release of Directory Information, no further disclosures of Directory Information are made without that student’s written consent. A student may rescind this action by submitting a request in writing to the Office of the University Registrar via a form available through the FERPA information webpage.   

The University designates the following types of personally identifiable information within an education record as Directory Information: 

• Name 
• Address 
• Telephone Number 
• E-mail Address 
• Dates of Attendance 
• Enrollment Status 
• Level and Classification 
• Field(s) of Study 
• Degree Candidacy and/or Expected Graduation Date 
• Degree(s) Conferred and Credential(s) Awarded, including the Date(s) of such Conferrals or Awards 
• Awards, Scholarships, and Honors 
• Thesis and Dissertation Titles 
• Previous Institution(s) Attended 
• Image or Likeness 
• Past and Present Participation in Officially Recognized University Activities 
• Date of Birth* 

*Given the sensitive nature of date of birth, the University does not disclose a Student’s date of birth as Directory Information except as required by law or for legitimate purposes to confirm the identification of a specific Student Education Record when the date of birth is furnished by a third-party. 

Statement of Compliance Regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for VA Educational Beneficiaries - 38 US Code Section 3675(b)

This policy applies to students who are VA beneficiaries and is intended to prevent the submission of VA-claims (“certifications”) for those students who are suspended.  Specifically:

  • In this instance, VA beneficiaries are defined as students receiving VA educational benefits under Chapter-30, Chapter-33, Chapter-35 and Chapter-1606, Title 38 U.S. Code.
  • Students placed on academic probation at the end of the term may be certified for VA educational benefits for the subsequent term.  If the student does not meet satisfactory academic progress in that subsequent term-defined as attaining a cumulative GPA at or above 2.00 for full-time students or attaining a cumulative GPA at or above 2.00  after attempting 12 additional credits for part-time students-the university will immediately suspend further VA certifications on behalf of the student. 
  • Students returning from one calendar year of suspension must re-apply for admission to the university.  If accepted, those students may be certified for VA educational benefits.

Certification of Chapter-31 students will be at the discretion of the student’s VA vocational rehabilitation counselor. 

Statement of Compliance Regarding VA Educational Beneficiaries - 38 US Code Section 3679(e)

As a matter of policy, the University of Pittsburgh allows students identified as covered individuals* to attend and participate in all course(s) of education for any given term in which the student has been certified for VA educational benefits.  This policy includes those circumstances in which VA payment(s) for student tuition and fees is late or delayed for up to 90 days after date of certification.  The University retains the right to impose late fees upon those students who incur or retain an outstanding balance beyond the amount of expected VA tuition & fee payment for the term.  

It is school policy to request all beneficiaries of VA educational benefits-including covered individuals*-provide the following documentation as part of certification process:

  • VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or Statement of Benefits as printed from the website
  • Completion of a certification request form (in hard-copy or on-line), which includes biographical information necessary for submission in the VA’s IT system of record-VA-Once. 

Failure to provide such documentation will result in the delay of any VA claim or certification. 

* Note:  VA defines a Covered Individual as any individual who is entitled to VA educational assistance under the VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program (38 U.S. Code Chapter 31) or the VA’s Post-9/11 GI Bill® (38 U.S. Code Chapter 33).

(“GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Statement of Compliance Regarding the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 - Section 1018

In accordance with the “Responsible Education Mitigating Options and Technical Extensions Act” or the “REMOTE Act” of 2021 to Section 1018 of the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 (Public Law 116-315)., the University of Pittsburgh provides a College Financing Plan (formerly known as Financial Aid Shopping Sheet) to every student who completes a FAFSA application including all VA beneficiaries. 

Per Veterans Benefits Administration notification, “Isakson and Roe, Section 1018 Changes, dated June 13, 2022: The REMOTE Act affords the opportunity for schools to use the College Financing Plan (CFP), available through the U.S. Department of Education as a means to satisfy the requirements of section 3679(f). An Educational Training Institution that utilizes this form is providing sufficient consumer information, will be exempt from all section 3679(f) requirements, and does not need to apply for a waiver.   An Educational Training Institution does not need to be participating in Federal Title IV Federal Student Aid to utilize the CFP to satisfy the requirements of section 3679(f). 

Veteran Student Course Scheduling Policy

The Higher Education Course Scheduling Preference for Veteran Students Act (Act of May 14, 2014, P.L. 667, No. 46 (known as “Act 46”)) provides for Veteran Students to receive course scheduling preference at public institutions of higher education in Pennsylvania.


  • Veteran Student - An individual who (i) is a Veteran (as defined below) or is an active duty service member, (ii) has been admitted to the University of Pittsburgh, and (iii) resides in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania while enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh. 
  • Veteran - An individual who (1) has served in the United States Armed Forces, including a reserve component of the National Guard, and (2) was discharged or released from such service under conditions other than dishonorable. 

Veterans who completed their obligated service in the Reserves and National Guard but were not deployed to active duty are included in this definition of Veteran. Veteran Students may or may not be using veterans educational benefits at the institution. Act 46 applies to Veteran Students admitted to all for-credit courses and programs offered at the institution. 

Course Scheduling Preference:

The priority enrollment period will begin the Friday before the published Monday enrollment period. Enrollment appointments for Veteran Students will begin at 8:30am the Friday before the standard Monday enrollment appointments, and will be assigned in order, according to credits completed. Veteran Students who have completed the highest number of credits will get the earliest enrollment appointments, while those who have completed the lowest number of credits will get the latest enrollment appointments. Enrollment appointment dates and times can be found in each student’s PeopleSoft Student Center. 

Point of Contact:

If you have any questions or wish to update your Veteran status at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, please contact either Ms. Melissa Ibanez,, or Mr. James Baldwin,

Act 46 of 2014 requires public institutions of higher education in Pennsylvania to provide veteran students, as defined in the Act, with preference in course scheduling. Non-compliance may be reported to the Pennsylvania Department of Education by submitting the Higher Education Student Complaint form found at

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